
Virginia Sandman is a native of New Jersey. She attended Wilmington College, Wilmington, OH and the Institute for European Studies, Vienna, Austria. She earned her BFA and MSAE from Massachusetts College of Art and Design.

Mysteries are more interesting to her than facts. The spinning earth, our very bodies have her attention, along with the blur of mind and matter. There is much that cannot be spoken about or explained. She asks whether there is something that has power and that cares about us? Dreams are the source of some of the photos. Others come from simply touching and playing with materials like thread, cloth and clay and experimenting with light.

Her experience with sculpture, video installations, film and performance art influence the photographic outcomes.

Awards and Grants

Selected awards and grants are the Athens International Film Video Festival, Athens, OH; The Herland V Film & Video Festival, Calgary, Alberta. Canada; the Holyoke Local Cultural Council Grant; the Somerville Local Cultural Council Grant; and the New England Regional Fellowship Grant of the Boston Film / Video Foundation.


The Boston Globe

Thesis Show review, Sarah Tomlinson | 2005

Museum of the Moving Image

Woolf review, David Schwartz | 1982

Bay Windows

Woolf review,Ingred Szell | 1982

The Boston Globe

Fraulien Angst reviewed as part of the Three Day Boston Gay Film Festival, John Engstrom | 1982


Linda Downs, Brooklyn, NY